Western Civilization, Domestic Terrorism and Quirky Perk Update for Supporters
Assembly of Silence Radio Hour: Jungian Shadow Boxing
Cryptosophy’s Doyle Baxter Returns in Premier Video Episode
Another very intense conversation - perhaps our best one to date. Not for the faint of heart!
Audio options:
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/as-west-crumbles-archetypical-forms-persist-feat-doyle/id1443449419?i=1000527920916
LibSyn: https://silentassembly.libsyn.com/as-the-west-crumbles-archetypical-forms-persist-feat-doyle-baxter-asrh_s5e8
Here Comes Another One of Noah’s Bleak Monologues
A dismal commentary on the present push to classify a sector of American citizenry as domestic terrorists.
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creating-domestic-terrorism-situational-monologue-in/id1443449419?i=1000529314809
LibSyn: https://silentassembly.libsyn.com/creating-domestic-terrorism-situational-monologue-in-vehicle-asrh_s5e9
Update to A Quirky Perk for Supporters
Those of you who become paying substack subscribers or Patrons are invited to request a Zoom meeting (max 1 per month) to discuss whatever interests you. I will announce to all subscribers and patrons when a request has been made so that others can participate. IF all participants consent, recordings of these sessions will be made available to paying substack subscribers, patrons, the platforms hosting the files, the NSA and any hackers who obtain them. Send requests to taijireality@protonmail.com.