Hear the Presidential debate our ailing nation needs! Today (6/27)!
A time-critical & uncharacteristically/unabashedly political post.
Kennedy will be participating in tonight's debate whether Biden, Trump & the Establishment like it or not. To hear the real uncensored debate all Americans should have the right to hear, go to:
6/27/24 @ 6PM PST 9PM EST
A functional democracy requires robust dialogue and debate. The two party system is trying to protect Biden, Trump and the American voter from hearing Kennedy.
The Establishment has become so weak and insecure they can't tolerate intelligent critical voices. This is a clear sign of government corruption. Truth tellers have to be silenced our of a fear that the corruption might get exposed.
The American people can't agree on much. But we should be able to agree that it's vital for a democratic republic to allow voices from across the political spectrum. Suppression of political dissenters is what fascist/communist/totalitarian societies do. We can agree that's bad, right? If we love our nation we cannot allow this to stand.
Many voters are motivated by their hatred of the opposite side’s candidate. This ignores the fact that both Democrats and Republicans have a long and shameful record failing to deliver a prosperous, peaceful, fair society. The USA (and the World) are both rapidly intensifying disasters. The two party system functions like a uniparty in that it pursues essentially the same core policies (see diagram).
If there is any hope of reforming our political system and returning to sanity we must all insist that independent voices be heard. Kennedy has many supporters and has met the requirements to be included in the debates. The fact that he's being excluded is another sign of our nation's deterioration.
You have probably heard many negative things said about Kennedy in the corporate media. Most of the accusations against him are verifiably false (I will provide evidence to anyone who would like to challenge me on this). But even if those negative things were true that would not justify excluding him from the debates.
If you agree that the present economic/social/geopolitical/environmental/technological situation is looking very very bad and you want to do the best possible thing for your own future and that of your family, I beg of you to listen to the man himself and not go by what is said about him in the corporate media.
Here's an introductory video to get you started:
You can learn more about Kennedy's many well considered policy positions here:
I'll get back to posting interesting things asap.
this did not end well
Say positive, stay positive.