Announcing The Mayor of Oblivion
TAIJIREALITY's Musical Division: hitting the sore spots with Slacupuncture
My incompatibility with the music business means I've not really put much “out there”. But now (for vague reasons I don't fully understand) I've decided to distribute some of my recorded music to the streaming world.
This means if you click on the images (or titles) below you should be able to listen on pretty much any streaming platform. Please let me know if that's not the case.
Musical updates will be archived on the new Music page, accessible from the new Music menu.
Thus far I've issued 3 releases from my back catalog. If you enjoy any of these audio experiences I'd appreciate your sharing with others. It’s been estimated that streaming platforms pay an average of $0.00173 per stream, so I've got a long way to go before I make my first dollar.
Binary Stars
A song about cosmic love (written for my wife, of course).
Not Democracy
A song I wrote 20 years ago, ringing evermore true with time...
Weak One
This album was an expression of the old younger navel-gazing me. Sometimes revisiting it makes me feel a bit queasy but it still has emotional power when you're in the right mood.
I'll be uploading more soon and have about 30 songs I hope to record, God willing.
I'm tinkering with the idea of a genre called Musical Slacupuncture (sadly, the distribution network won't allow me to define my own genre and forces me to choose from a set list of tired categories).
Acupuncturists find the sensitive spots to release stagnant or excessive energies. Musical Slacupuncture is a sonic-emotional poke at the shadow - the parts of ourselves we'd prefer not be pointed towards. It's not as accurate as acupuncture but the therapeutic potential is similar. Results may vary.
I spent the first half of my life trying to make everyone I knew happy (a very bad approach to life). Since then I've swung to what I believe is the middle, cultivating what I hope is a respectful tendency to gravitate towards the sore spot.
I've discovered in my own experience that the greatest learning opportunities have arisen when someone hits one of my sore spots.
On the other side of the interaction: when you're the one providing the poke, you get an instantaneous sense of who you’re actually dealing with.
My wife is the one who taught me all this. 🙏🏼
On the receiving end: if you allow the needle to hit the sore spot it may be initially uncomfortable but if you breath and relax, natural processes will open and circulate the problem out of you.
This is (imho) the essence of taiji & qigong and I'm convinced it works wonders if you can stick with it.